We are taught from a very young age to take good care of our teeth and, primarily, to make sure we brush them regularly. But is there a possibility all the brushing has been doing just as much harm as good? The answer is yes. There can be too much of a good thing when […]
If you’ve always wanted a smile that stands out, having straight teeth can certainly help! If your smile could use a bit of straightening, look no further! You’re not alone, many residents in the San Marcos, TX area wish they had smiles that looked a bit better. Thanks to genetics, among other factors, we aren’t […]
Toothbrushes are notorious for collecting millions of bacteria. It’s the perfect breeding ground for these little critters, and they thrive and multiply as time goes on. Toothpaste doesn’t kill them, and rinsing the bristles with water doesn’t get rid of the majority of them. According to the ADA (American Dental Association), bacterial infestations can develop […]
Tooth decay is the result of having an excess amount of acid-producing bacteria inside the mouth, which leads to cavities. Tooth decay normally occurs when the amount of healthy activity the mouth is outweighed by the disease causing activity; it is not directly linked to genetics like some may believe. Be sure to brush your […]
Most people are familiar with the term “wisdom teeth,” but not many know why their third molars carry that nickname. They have been called “teeth of wisdom” since the 17th century, and were referred to as “wisdom teeth” around the turn of the 19th century. Third molars often come in much latter than a person’s […]
If you live in Central Texas, you have a few choices when it comes to dental care. You could look for a small town dentist close to your home, or you could opt to commute to San Antonio or Austin to open up all the dentistry options a big city has to offer. You could […]
How much do you know about fundamental dental care? It is something that encompasses brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis, visiting your dentist or dental hygienist regularly for checkups and for cleanings, and eating a diet that will bring freshness to your mouth. Such diets should have dairy products, vegetables, fruits and […]
Have you replaced your toothbrush lately? Most experts recommend you don’t use a toothbrush longer than 3 to 4 months, as the bristles can begin to fall out or wear down, decreasing cleaning effectiveness. Before you make your next trip to the drug store, however, you might be interested in mixing things up a bit […]
Enamel boasts the status of being the hardest substance in the body. This is rightfully so; it bares the burden of a lifetime of smashing and grinding food, all while protecting the sensitive internal structures of the tooth. Tough as it is, though, enamel isn’t invincible. It can be worn down over time, causing tooth […]
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve recently redesigned our site from the ground up! We hope you enjoy the new look, and we welcome any feedback and suggestions. Stay tuned to our blog, we’ll be sharing helpful dental health information to keep your smile looking great between visits.