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Dental Bonding For Chipped Teeth

Dental Bonding For Chipped Teeth

Having cracked or chipped teeth will affect your smile, and it may negatively impact your self-confidence. The best option for repairing chipped teeth would be a dental bond. A dental bond is one of the cheapest ways to cosmetically repair your teeth, and they are also a good option when it comes to filling in […]

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Composite VS Amalgam Fillings

Composite VS Amalgam Fillings

Nobody wants to be told they have a cavity, but when this occurs we can be left with the issue of which form of filling to use when we fill a hole in an individual tooth. The resulting issue means we must make a choice between a composite or amalgam filling material that will allow […]

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The Importance of Summer Dental Care

The Importance of Summer Dental Care

Summer months bring about a whole new sense of adventure. As the heat rises, everyone lets loose a little. With so many options to consider for entertainment, exploration, adventure, and more, it’s easy to neglect dental health. Who wants to think about dental health in the middle of a camping trip or a summer bash? […]

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Best Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Teeth – Pt. 2

Best Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Teeth – Pt. 2

Our discussion of supplements for improving oral health continues here today as we cover the best supplements, vitamins, and minerals for dealing with specific issues. As mentioned previously, be weary of snake oil salesmen. This includes aromatherapy, holistic medicine, and anything that has non-specific and unresearched components that make wide claims of curing dozens of […]

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Tongue Love: Keeping Your Tongue Clean

Tongue Love: Keeping Your Tongue Clean

Everyone knows how important it is to make sure that you care for your teeth properly and on a regular basis. Did you know that your tongue needs daily care as well? Why Your Tongue Needs Cleaning There are many reasons to keep your tongue as fresh and clean as your teeth. For one, your […]

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What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

One of the most important parts of the human body is the teeth. If properly cared for they will serve a person faithfully for their entire life. It is not unusual to find people in their 90’s that have their original teeth even though they may have been repaired along the way with fillings, bridges, […]

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Understanding Bone Grafting: Dental Implants

Understanding Bone Grafting: Dental Implants

Bone grafting has become a very routine procedure for dental implants in this day and age. If an individual loses a tooth, getting a dental implant is a great replacement option. Implants actually look and function in a manner similar to a regular tooth. More often than not, implants are undetectable. Just like other surgeries, […]

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The Effects of Smoking on Oral Health

The Effects of Smoking on Oral Health

By now, you’ve seen all of the commercials and read the countless amount of anti-smoking pamphlets and articles that tell you how bad smoking is for your body. Besides knowing what it can do to your lungs, there are a few things you should know when it comes to your teeth, tongue, lips, gums and […]

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How to Break Your Sugar Addiction

How to Break Your Sugar Addiction

Addictions We’ve all heard of addictions. People can be addicted to alcohol or drugs, but what about sugar? Is that a real thing? It is, and more and more people are finding themselves addicted to sugar. The first step to overcoming an addiction, whatever the culprit is, is to recognize that you have one. If […]

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The Top 10 reasons for Tooth Sensitivity

The Top 10 reasons for Tooth Sensitivity

1. Acidic foods and drinks Did you know that citrus, tomatoes, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, and many of your favorite fruit juices can cause pain? Ouch! No one likes pain in their teeth. The acidity in these foods and drinks could erode the enamel and expose the dentin, which is the tender layer beneath. A great […]

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How to reduce the pain of braces

How to reduce the pain of braces

Wearing braces is important and can yield positive results; results that can change your life. However, wearing braces can be uncomfortable at times, especially when the wires are adjusted. The process of creating braces  To ensure that your braces turn out well, an orthodontist, during follow up visits, will adjust wires and monitor the progress […]

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Road to White Teeth: Part 1

Road to White Teeth: Part 1

Over the Counter and Household Teeth Whitening Techniques and Products Everyone wants to have teeth as white as celebrities, but there are a lot of options you may not know about. We will be going over a few ways to whiten teeth at home. There are a lot of products that are sold over the […]

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Diet’s Effect on Dental Health

Diet’s Effect on Dental Health

We all know to floss, to brush two times a day while singing our ABC’s, to use mouthwash, and to avoid candy and soda. But there is more to dental care than that. Candy and soda are not the only things that can have an effect on our oral health. There are certain foods we […]

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History of Dentistry: Ancient Cleaning and Diets

History of Dentistry: Ancient Cleaning and Diets

Many people assume that the ancient people of the world unilaterally ignored dental health. But the reality is that many had toothbrushes and toothpastes, even if they took a crude setting, and took preventative measures to prevent decay. As well, some cultures consisted on diets that were far less acidic and contributed far less to […]

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Things You Didn’t Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Things You Didn’t Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry May Not Break Your Bank There are many circumstances in which insurance will pay for your cosmetic procedure. This means that you may not be thousands of dollars out of pocket as you may have been thinking prior. Insurance is especially likely to help cover costs if the procedure is necessary to improving […]

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Ways to Make Game Day Snacks Healthier

Ways to Make Game Day Snacks Healthier

Game day is fun to watch with a group of friends. Many people find that watching the game can be even more fun when watching it with snacks as well as friends. However, many game day snacks can be calorie laden and filled with fat. This doesn’t have to be the case at all. As […]