1. Acidic foods and drinks
Did you know that citrus, tomatoes, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, and many of your favorite fruit juices can cause pain? Ouch! No one likes pain in their teeth. The acidity in these foods and drinks could erode the enamel and expose the dentin, which is the tender layer beneath. A great solution is to cut the acidity level by drinking milk or eating cheese afterward. Who Knew?
2. Brushing Too Hard
Brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wreak havoc on your gums causing sensitivity and pain. Over time this causes damage and wears away the protective layers such as the enamel.
Try investing in a soft-bristled toothbrush and try brushing more gently.
3. Tooth Whitening/Whitening Toothpaste
It’s nice to have a big bright smile, but tooth whitening and some toothpaste can cause sensitivity to your Pearly Whites. Many whitening products include peroxide-based bleaching solutions which can eventually cause pain. Consult with your Dentist for the best results for teeth whitening.
4. Excessive Mouthwash
We all want a minty fresh mouth, but using too much mouthwash could make your mouth sore. Most over-the-counter mouthwashes contain alcohol, and other chemicals which can cause sensitivity. Try to limit your rinsing with mouthwash to once or twice a day. A great alternative is to use neutral fluoride rinses that can lower your sensitivity.
5. Cracked Tooth
Do you have any cracked, chipped or broken teeth? Well, this could be causing sensitivity and even pain. When your teeth are damaged from a cracked tooth, the nerve-rich pulp hidden deep inside can become irritated. This could also allow, bacteria to grow leading to pain and inflammation. Seek your dentist if you are experiencing any of these problems.
6. Recent Dental Procedures:
Have you had any recent visits to your dentist’s office, well this could be causing some tooth sensitivity. Receiving procedures such as the placement of crowns, teeth cleanings, root canals, and even an extraction can cause sensitivity. It is normal to experience sensitivity after these procedures, but If the symptoms persist or are prolonged please consult with your dentist.
7. Tooth Decay or Rotten teeth:
Decay and cavities in the mouth expose your teeth to bacteria, which can cause acid build-up and enamel breakdown. Fillings can also leak around the edges over time causing tooth decay and cavities. This will make your teeth sensitive to cold, hot, sweet, and even air. See your dentist if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
8. Teeth Grinding / Clenching your teeth
Your enamel is the strongest toughest part of your body, but teeth grinding can wear down the enamel exposing dentin and leaving the nerves in danger. The Dentin is the middle layer of the tooth which has hollow tubes. The best defense against teeth grinding is a mouth guard. Your dentist can custom made a mouth guard to fit your bite, which can prevent you from grinding.
9. Excessive plaque
Plaque buildup can cause your enamel to wear away causing extreme sensitivity to your teeth and gums. The best defense against plaque is to floss daily, practice good oral hygiene, and visit your dentist for cleanings every six months or more when necessary.
10. Gum disease
Receding gums can cause strong sensitivity and is usually a sign of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease exposes the gums and causes sensitivity and pain to the nerve center called the Pulp. This results in sensitivity to hot foods and drinks, cold food and drinks, sweets, and even air.
Tooth Sensitivity Solutions & Gum Treatments in San Marcos TX
Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a variety of factors, from brushing too hard to consuming acidic foods and drinks. Other potential causes include recent dental procedures, excessive mouthwash use, cracked teeth, tooth decay, teeth grinding, plaque buildup, and gum disease. If you’re not sure if you need gum treatment, a dental tooth filling treatment, or just a mouth guard, consult with your dentist in San Marcos to determine the underlying cause and explore potential solutions. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can also help prevent sensitivity and maintain good oral health.