Having sensitive teeth is not only annoying and painful, but it can keep you from living a normal everyday life and cause you to miss out on normal things. Tooth sensitivity can happen after eating or drinking something cold or hot and can feel like anything from an annoying dull ache to a severe crippling […]
A lot of people suffer from some sort of fear or phobia, and a couple are commonly shared with many like the fear of clowns, spiders, or the dark. One common fear that could have consequences to your health is the fear of going to the dentist. It is estimated that as many as 15% […]
One of the most important parts of the human body is the teeth. If properly cared for they will serve a person faithfully for their entire life. It is not unusual to find people in their 90’s that have their original teeth even though they may have been repaired along the way with fillings, bridges, […]