Parents want to do what is best for their kids, and they also want to know what to expect so that they can know what the best course of action is. With something like tooth development in childhood, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a wide range of variability in what is […]
Good oral practice and regular check-ups are essential for dental hygiene and overall health. Paying attention to your oral health gives you confidence and reduces the chances of infection and disease. For an individual, booking an appointment with a dentist may be an easy-to-do task. However, scheduling different appointment dates for each family member may […]
Ensuring that your children’s teeth remain healthy as they grow up is one of the many responsibilities parents have to handle. This is because a child’s teeth are more prone to getting fractures and cavities than those of an adult. Because of this, most medical experts recommend that children get dental check-ups at least two […]
Having sensitive teeth is not only annoying and painful, but it can keep you from living a normal everyday life and cause you to miss out on normal things. Tooth sensitivity can happen after eating or drinking something cold or hot and can feel like anything from an annoying dull ache to a severe crippling […]
When it comes to your physical health, it is often the seemingly small habits that tend to make the biggest difference. This is true in terms of physical fitness, emotional health, and oral care as well. When it comes to taking care of your teeth and gums, there are several simple practices that will help […]
A lot of people suffer from some sort of fear or phobia, and a couple are commonly shared with many like the fear of clowns, spiders, or the dark. One common fear that could have consequences to your health is the fear of going to the dentist. It is estimated that as many as 15% […]
The human jaw is one of those parts of our bodies that we have a tendency to take for granted. Formed like a hinge, the jaw is a key component in everyday activities like eating and opening your mouth. While this complex body part serves many functions for us, there are over 10 million Americans […]
After you lose your baby teeth, the teeth that grow in are those that you’ll be stuck with for the rest of your life. There isn’t another set that will magically grow in if you lose an adult tooth. Because of that, it’s vital that you maintain excellent oral health. While there are always measures […]
Dental implants are changing the way we speak and eat, literally. Gone are the days of dentures and denture adhesive creams that created many embarrassing moments for artificial teeth wearers everywhere. Today, dental implants are revolutionizing dentures and bridges in a way that is restoring confidence in denture wearers across the world. What Are Dental […]