We all know that flossing is recommended. A consistent and appropriate regimen of brushing and flossing helps to protect and preserve our teeth, but what most people don’t know is that there are a lot of different flossing mediums out there. Not all floss is the same and there are different reasons to use each […]
This is a follow up to our previous post, “Creating A Flossing Habit to Keep Your Teeth Clean.” Sure, a flossing habit is important, but so is proper flossing technique. We’ve put together some quick tips to ensure you get the most benefit out of flossing. Before we dive in to actual technique, let’s quickly […]
Daily brushing is essential for maintaining proper oral hygiene. But brushing alone isn’t enough… there’s no substitute for flossing your teeth. Many believe that if they use a mouthwash after brushing there’s no need to floss. While mouthwash is great, it can’t get little pieces of food and gunk out from deep between your teeth […]
Every time we go to the dentist we are reminded about not flossing our teeth (unless you are one of the rare people that actually flosses). Often we will keep the routine up for a week or two before it falls to the wayside. Despite the norm of neglecting flossing, it is actually extremely important […]