Veneers are thin porcelain shells fastened over teeth to improve their alignment and color. They also cover up stains and fill out gaps between teeth. If you’re looking for a new way to change the appearance of your smile, veneers might be the answer you’re seeking. Here we will discuss all you need to know about veneers.
What are Veneers ?
Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored material that are used to change the appearance of a tooth. A veneer is made from plastic resin, porcelain, or composite material and attached by the dentist to the front side of an existing tooth. Veneers can be used to change a tooth’s size, shape, and color to make it look better. Veneers can also repair teeth that are damaged by trauma or decay. Veneers are fragile, approximately 0.5mm to 3mm, so they are barely noticeable.
How are Veneers Applied ?
You may require several visits to the dentist to make impressions and molds of your teeth and jawbone. Sometimes, you may have X-rays are taken, and anesthetic injections into your jaw muscles before the veneers are applied. Depending on the type of veneer used, your dentist may remove a minimal amount of enamel from your teeth. This does not hurt and allows the veneer to fit more tightly against the tooth and gives it a strong bond. Several appointments may be needed before the veneers are attached and polished to give you a natural-looking smile.
What are the Different Types of Veneers ?
Veneers are either permanent or removable. While permanent veneers are bonded to the tooth and cannot be removed, removable veneers can be removed at your dentist’s office or through a dentist’s office by an oral surgeon. When new porcelain or composite material is applied to your teeth, they will become permanently attached. The main advantage of having a veneer installed over an existing tooth is that the tooth can be crowned without removing the existing tooth. Conventional crowns may require a portion of the tooth to be removed.
How Long do Veneers Last ?
Veneers are generally more durable than other tooth-colored restorations, such as composite fillings and dental bonding, because they are custom designed to fit each tooth. Although surfaces may need to be replaced over time, they usually last at least ten years or longer.
What is the Cost of Veneers ?
The cost of veneers depends on how the procedure is done and how long the implants will last. Veneers are usually less expensive than alternative restorations such as crowns, bridges, or dental bonding. However, when porcelain veneers replace an entire tooth or multiple teeth, the cost may be substantially higher than other tooth-colored restorations. Different types of veneers tend to have different prices.
Why do You get Veneers ?
You may want veneers because your teeth are starting to show signs of wear and tear as a way to change your smile or for aesthetic purposes. Veneers can be used whenever natural teeth are heavily worn or damaged and placed over the chiseled-out areas. You might have surfaced if you have gaps or cracks between your teeth to improve your smile’s appearance. To create a more uniform appearance, you may have veneers if you have unevenly spaced teeth. You can also have veneers when the teeth’ color is off, and you want to change their color. Veneers are very popular with patients who are unhappy with their smiles because they don’t look natural.
In Conclusion
The main advantage of veneers is that they can change the way teeth look without invasive procedures. Because they’re so easy to maintain, veneers can last many years before they need replacement or repair. You can have veneers installed at your dentist’s office or through your dentist by an oral surgeon.