The importance of oral health is often overlooked, especially when it comes to how it affects our general wellness. It’s a mistake to think that we can live a healthy life without caring for our teeth, gums, and mouth. Good oral health care, such as brushing and flossing, helps to keep our teeth and gums strong and free from bacteria that can make us sick. In addition, healthy teeth are vital to eating right and maintaining a healthy weight. It is much harder to eat the right food to maintain a healthy lifestyle when a person has poor oral health from cavities or gum disease.

On top of this, diseases such as HIV/AIDS, asthma, and heart disease can be worsened if a person has poor oral health. People with poor dental health have a harder time fighting off viruses and other contagious diseases because the excess bacteria in their mouths affect their overall health. It is clear that oral health is not something to take lightly and that treating it properly is extremely important for our overall well-being.

Which Health Conditions are Linked to Oral Health?

The following diseases and conditions are linked directly to poor oral health:


HIV /AIDS has been linked to oral health for several reasons. The pills used to treat HIV /AIDS harm a person’s gums. Furthermore, people infected with the disease often experience fatigue, making it more difficult to maintain proper dental care, such as flossing.


People with cancer have a higher risk of chipping and breaking their teeth because their gums begin to recede. Moreover, cancer can sometimes spread to the jawbone, which causes severe pain in a person’s mouth and prevents that person from eating. This pain can lead to anorexia, which is defined as a disorder resulting in appetite loss despite feeling hungry. Cancer is more likely to spread when there is an infection in the mouth, so proper oral care is crucial in the fight against cancer.


Diabetes can lead to gum disease, which in turn can cause diabetes-associated heart disease and stroke. In addition, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of losing teeth because diabetes makes it harder for them to absorb nutrients necessary for tissue growth and repair found in certain foods such as sugar, calcium, and proteins.


People with pneumonia often have severe gum infections. They may also experience painful mouth sores linked to the bacteria that cause pneumonia.


Those who suffer from asthma often have chronic inflammation in their airways and therefore experience many mouth or throat problems. Persistent coughing can damage gums and have several negative effects on oral health.

Ways to Take Care of Your Oral Health

You can take many steps to keep your oral health in top shape. One of the most important things to do is brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily. This can help prevent gum disease, which is a serious issue.

You should also see your dentist twice a year for regular checkups, and when you visit the dentist, make sure that you are doing everything possible to maintain good oral health. If you have any problems with tooth decay or oral disease, your dentist can recommend ways to fix them.

Key Takeaway

Good oral health is crucial for overall health because it allows us to eat the food we need to stay healthy. Poor oral health can lead to complications of various diseases, some of which are life-threatening. Good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing daily, can ward off gum disease and tooth decay and help us live longer, healthier lives.